
Catch up with Japeto on your preferred social media channel!

Date Posted: 18 April 2023

Catch up with Japeto on your preferred social media channel!

Stay up to date!

Social media is a great way to stay up to date with the latest from Japeto. We have social media pages on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok and YouTube which are regularly updated with news on the latest products and developments. Stay abreast of dates for our Trade Shows or catch the latest blog giving you ideas and inspiration for your gardens!

Follow us!

In the last few years due to Japeto’s ever increasing brand popularity we have seen follower numbers increase dramatically. Many of our followers have posted about our product offering and often show the products being used in the field through videos and pictures giving you further ideas for your gardens and showing just some of the handy uses Japeto garden tools provide! In the modern world it is also validation for the products we supply as there is not much better recommendation or review than a video to catch the relevant garden tool in action.

Even if you are not looking to see our tools in action, you might want to follow us anyway because we like to post interesting, colourful, fun and informative content on a daily basis.


If you have Instagram and own or use any of our products tag us into your photos, videos, or reels…we would love to see them as we are sure would many other customers! Use the @japeto_tools to mention us in your posts.


If it is company or product reviews you are looking for, you need go no further than this website to see what our customers have to say. And if you prefer an outside source simply log on to google reviews to see how we are rated. We are proud to boast almost 240 Google reviews at 4.9 stars out of 5 (at the time of writing)


To leave a Google review, log on here: